Connect to the Crosspoint app and get the latest sermons, resources, updates, and more delivered right to your mobile device. With The Church App, you can easily watch and listen to sermons on-the-go, download media for offline listening, find and register for events, read blog articles, read the Bible, donate to your ministry, take notes in church, and much more.
Download The Church App
Once you have downloaded the app and opened it, search for “Crosspoint WV.”
Set up Notifications
Once you have downloaded and opened the Crosspoint App, please set up your notifications so you can receive notifications through the app about certain groups and ministries as you would like.
Select the profile icon in the top right corner of your app to open the menu.
Select “Notifications” inside of the menu.
Select the toggle options to the right of each notification group to subscribe or unsubscribe from a notification group.